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HeatherGlen Golf Leagues

In 2025 HeatherGlen is looking to improve and update our current league offerings

Men's League Monday Night: Now accepting new Monday players!

Again 2025 we will create 12 Man Teams. We will be building 8 teams for this season, each with 12 players per team. Under this format we will be able to play in a season long round robin format where teams will play off in weekly matches head-to-head to earn points for their teams.


  • Points awarded weekly for team combined scoring
  • 2 Best Gross & 4 Best Net scores from your team weekly will be combined
  • 1st place weekly through 8th place points will be awarded on these scores
  • Weekly each player will earn 1 point for participation

Players will be able to monitor their own points performance, and the points performance of their teams in comparison to the rest of the league via our on-line live scoring link. Scoring will be a Net Scoring system, so handicaps will be needed, however we will establish a handicap for each league member if they do not have one.

The teams with the most points accumulated by the end of the season, will be the 2025 Monday Men's League Champions!

Tuesday Corporate League: Now accepting new Tuesday teams!

Our unique format on the Tuesday Men's/Corporate League is made up of teams of two golfers who play in a new match weekly against another team of two golfers. The teams play in match play format, with 3 points up for grabs in each match. One (1) point for the front 9 results, One (1) point for the back 9 results, and One (1) point for the overall match result.

This relatively competitive league is a great way to brush up on your golf game while getting out to make some new friends. With over 60 members, the league is always welcoming more teams.

click here to register

Wednesday 9 Hole Ladies League - "Sips from Around the World" - 

in 2025 will be our new and improved Ladies "Sips from around the world" League Night on Wednesdays.

This is a great league for the social or novice golfer. This league we have our main focus on encouraging ladies to join us in a relaxed atmosphere to play in a weekly Non-Competitive 9 Hole League where scoring is optional & FUN is mandatory!

Thursday Open League - 9 Hole League: Now Accepting new Thursday players

Growing the game is a priority for us at HeatherGlen & Play Golf Calgary.

This league will be a 9-Hole League with teams comprised of four players. Each week, points will be awarded in based upon a revolving weekly game and format; such games as Scramble, Stableford, Best Ball and more. Throughout the season teams will earn points, and the team with the most points at the end will be crowned as the champions.


To sign up for Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays please visit us at our registration page: https://www.heatherglengolf.com/contact/shop-online/League-Registration-2024-c42834002

 To submit your name please email - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.